Course Description

"My landscape clients were always asking me feng shui questions that I couldn't answer. After taking this class I feel prepared to give them the information that  they are looking for. Very helpful!" Bryce S.

Would you like to have more peace and relaxation in your life?

Does your home and garden nurture and inspire you?

Are you interested in learning some simple, easy to implement tips in order to create a more beautiful and relaxing outdoor environment?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this class is right for you!

In this class you will learn

• The Important Landforms in Feng Shui
• The Four Basic Principles of Feng Shui and how to apply them to Your Landscape Areas
• The Power of a First Impression
• Front Doors from a Feng Shui Perspective
• The How and Why of an Optimal Walkway
• The Influence of Street Configurations
• Way Finding and Why it's so Important
• Outdoor Feng Shui Tips You Can Easily Use
• How to Energize the Life Aspiration Areas Outdoors with the Five Elements
• Follow-Up Activities

And More!

Click the button on the banner at the top of this page to Register Now!

Cathleen McCandless

Cathleen McCandless is a highly respected, nationally known expert, best-selling author of Feng Shui that Makes Sense, speaker, and teacher on the subject of feng shui. With over twenty years experience, Cathleen's popular no-nonsense approach to feng shui has been featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Vogue Magazine, Martha Stewart Living, the Los Angeles Times, the San Diego Union, and many others. Named the "Best Feng Shui Expert..."by San Diego Magazine, Cathleen's radio and television appearances include everything from prime-time newscasts to a starring role in the nation-wide television series, Feng Shui Living.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Garden and Landscape Feng Shui

    • Garden and Landscape Feng Shui (Video is 49 minutes)

    • Garden and Landscape Feng Shui Reference Sheet